Online content management, desktop publishing and instructional design/eLearning development of print and digital educational resources for the Department of Education and Training QLD.

Curriculum into Classroom (C2C)

Printed training materials - High volume production of printed teaching resources and national curriculum course materials for Kindergarten to Year 12 students.

Online educational resources - Multimedia content production and content management for the high traffic OneSchool & Learning Place websites.

e-Learning resources - Produced USB kits of e-Learning course materials for all QLD schools of distance education


Online content management & administration - Online back end management, administration and maintenance of content for the OneSchool portal.

Desktop publishing - Produced print and online training materials for teachers including Class Unit plans, Curriculum Assessments and worksheets for students from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Learning Place

Online content management & administration - Online back end management, administration and maintenance of content for the Learning Place portal.

Video resources - Video editing, compression and maintenance of online video content for both the Learning Place portal and supplementary videos for printed training materials.

Audio resources - Audio editing, compression and maintenance of audio content for the Learning Place portal and supplementary music/educational audio for printed training materials.

eBooks - Template creation, uploading, troubleshooting and maintenance of eBooks for use on the Learning Place portal and as supplementary material for printed course materials.

Web resources - Administration and maintenance of online training materials for the Learning Place portal including games, puzzles and other software/script/engine based digital media.